Sunday, November 29, 2009

First Post.

Funny that I've sat here for the longest time and criticized bloggers like they were a different breed of people. I think today's phrase of the day's going to be

"Never Say Never".

So regardless of the fact that this is my very first blog entry, I'm gonna skip the formalities and just get in to the groove of "blogging". Kinda weird thinking about it, eh? I've always wanted to keep a diary, but I never thought about posting it online for the masses to read.

These past few weeks have been rough. Life gets kinda funny sometimes, and this is one of those times. Throughout living, I've realized more and more how much people strive to do nothing but reach an equilibrium, a point where they can happily stay and say "Things are good". It's not bad, its quite nice actually. I mean, think about it. Once you have things balanced, whether it be about balancing your interests and your VIPs in life's interests, or about balancing your dreams with reality, you have things pretty good. Now more than ever, I know that I've never been balanced.

When I was a kid, I started off creative, started off being great with the girls. True story. Then, I got in to computers. I lost my creativeness; I turned in to a left-brainer. Ten years later, I lost my love for computers and finally figured out my love for dance. Skipped left, and turned right. And now, I'm having real girl problems for the first time in a very long time. There are tough decisions to make, sacrifices that need to be made regardless of how they might make you feel. It used to be easy, even if it hurt. Just ducking down, and always thinking about the other person before yourself. But, as you get older, you realize that sometimes you need to make sure to be happy for you and not happy because they are... The final step to becoming independent.

Sometimes, putting things on hold doesn't mean saying The End to the story. It simply means that the author decided that it'd be better to bring it back later in the plot to reach the climax, because if he doesn't do that, the real ending just won't end up as great.

Take care world,

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