Monday, November 30, 2009

Second Post.

Don't you hate it when you go on a break and don't have to do anything for a few days, then all of a sudden getting shocked back in to work and feeling like you were pushed in to the Arctic?

"The longer you don't take out the garbage, the more you're going to have to take out".

First day of school after a nice little break of five days. Wake up @ 5, get to school @ 6, work and dance at the espresso for two hours, then answer emails and try to get my crap done. I've pretty much realized that the older you grow, the more responsibilities you're going to have. But if you decide to put them off and ignore them, you're going to end up with just as many responsibilities; you're just going to have to deal with them all at the same time when you finally decide to stop living ignorantly.

I've made my own package of little screw-ups, and I've been working hard to open this little Pandora's box. I don't like complaining because I've put myself in this position of having to work last minute to make up for my life, but sometimes it just gets kinda overwhelming when you look at your calendar and it looks like a 3-year old scribbled all over it with a crayon. Then you realize that those are events that you color-coded to keep track of what you have to do everyday. I know some people might take this the wrong way, but you know? I feel old.

I ate by myself at lunch today. Not because I was feeling "emotional", or because I didn't have a choice. I just didn't have any energy to try and socialize. Just needed some time to not have to think or worry about anything besides shoveling the next chip of mystery meat school nachos in my mouth.

Times like these, I feel like I've lost touch with my teenage side... I'm being brought in to adulthood in a car that's speeding faster than I feel comfortable riding in.

Well, that's life for ya.

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